Help inform the development of a rapid test for complicated UTIs

Help inform the development of a rapid test for complicated UTIs

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The University of York are in the early stages of developing a rapid test for complicated UTIs – infections that don’t get better with standard antibiotics. They hope this test will help medical professionals identify more severe infections earlier and help people before they become more ill.

The test will detect enzymes found in multi-drug resistant infections and results will be available in about an hour. Whilst it won’t identify all complicated UTIs, it will be a step in the right direction to improve on the inaccurate dipstick tests that are currently used by GPs.

They got in touch with us as they want to hear from people like you throughout the process. It’s a short survey to understand your experience with your GP when you first got an infection and how long you’d be willing to wait for your test results.

Complete the survey.

The survey closes on Wednesday 20th February.